Wednesday, February 4, 2009

ADSR4 - Challenge #10 - Partner Interview

This challenge was hosted by Pixel Gypsy Designs
This project challenge is to be completed by the Racer who did NOT do the January 20 challenge.

It Takes Two:
Interview your race partner (ask at least 5 questions) and create a layout (with a photo) based on that interview. The layout must contain supplies from two designers—no more, no less, and the color scheme must consist mainly of two colors. Minor accent colors are allowed, but 2 colors must stand out most prominently.

Since Lilly did the challenge on January 20th, I got the honor of doing this one!!

Bel Vidotti Scraps:
Blue and Green Backgrounds, Crystal Rain, Blue Photo Wrap, Blue Flowers, Knotted String, Tied String from Equilibrium

Jen Ulasiewicz:
Leaves - Leaves, Pickn Wild Flowers;
Booties - Cuddles N Kisses Sample;
3 Leaf Clover - Irish Countryside;
Dragonfly - Down By The Lily Pond

FONTS: Arial Narrow, Tall Paul

Tell me a little about yourself...
My name is Lilly. I am a 30 year old Aquarius
with an older and younger brother. I have a
Diploma in Child Care. My boyfriend, Darren,
and I have been together for 9 years and
share our home with our car Skitz.

Do you have a goal for this year?
I would love to be pregnant.

How long have you been scrap booking?
Digi-scrapping for about 2 years, but before
that I paper scrapped for about 8 months.

How late have you stayed up scrapping?
I have stayed up ALL night - so over 24 hours.

Do you have a fave scrapbooking snack?

Who is your favorite designer/shop?
My designer of choice/favorite designer
is--Sweet Digi Scraps.

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